Ireland has one of the most favorable hair grants systems in Europe for woman that experience hair loss. This means you may be eligible for either a PRSI or HSE hair Grant. In our videos below we outline how to apply for these grants worth €500 per year. Download Form Here...

The PRSI scheme requires you or your spouse to have enough PRSI contributions to quality for the The PRSI Hair Replacement Benefit. As Hairspray are approved agents, simply call us with your PPS number and we will check the system to see are you eligible for the €500 grant. The next step is to download this link and print off and bring to your Doctor to see if your hair loss condition is only the list to qualify for this grant. Our team will then organise all the paperwork for your application. The HSE Wig grant requires you to have a valid medical card and a letter from your doctor outlining your hair loss condition. The amount of the grant will vary between €450 to €750 a year which will depend on where your local HSE office is situated.
Also if you have private health insurance please check your policy as many insurers allow you to claim for a wig in the general region of €2000 per year.