Mayfair News


Ireland has one of the most favorable hair grants systems in Europe for woman that experience hair loss. This means you may be eligible for either a PRSI or HSE hair Grant. In our videos below we outline how to apply for these grants worth €500 per year. Download Form Here...  

Hair Grants Dublin
PRSI Hair Replacement Benefit

The PRSI scheme requires you or your spouse to have enough PRSI contributions to quality for the The PRSI Hair Replacement Benefit. As Hairspray are approved agents, simply call us with your PPS number and we will check the system to see are you eligible for the €500 grant. The next step is to download this link and print off and bring to your Doctor to see if your hair loss condition is only the list to qualify for this grant. Our team will then organise all the paperwork for your application. The HSE Wig grant requires you to have a valid medical card and a letter from your doctor outlining your hair loss condition. The amount of the grant will vary between €450 to €750 a year which will depend on where your local HSE office is situated. 

Also if you have private health insurance please check your policy as many insurers allow you to claim for a wig in the general region of €2000 per year.



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We have the largest selection of Hair Toppers in Ireland with our exclusive Mayfair Collection. This quality crown hair piece is available in a full range of colours and styles. As you can see in our videos Toppers can be applied within seconds to create natural volume on top. You can also see are you eligible for a PRSI hair grant which would cover much of the cost of your hair piece or wig worth €500 per year. More... 

Hair Topper Dublin

Hair toppers are also known as crown hair pieces are a popular hair accessory worn by women in Ireland for a variety of reasons. Toppers are typically designed to cover and blend with the clients natural hair, providing additional volume, length, or coverage in specific areas of the crown and scalp.

1. Hair loss or thinning hair can be caused by various factors, including genetics, hormonal changes with pregnancy, medical conditions, and treatments like chemotherapy. Hair toppers can be an effective solution for women who are experiencing hair loss or have thinning hair, as they can provide instant natural-looking coverage and boost their confidence.

Human Hair Topper

2. Fashion and Style: Many women wear hair toppers as a fashion statement or to enhance their style. Hair toppers come in different colors, lengths, and styles, allowing women to experiment with different looks without making permanent changes to their natural hair. They can be worn for special occasions, events, or simply to change up their appearance.

3.Convenience and Time-saving: Hair toppers can be a convenient and time-saving option for women who want to add volume or length to their hair without the... Read more


Many woman that have thinning hair in Ireland are looking for easy solution like a quality hair piece. At Hairspray we have a number of options which include human hair toppers or wigs. These are products made by the Mayfair collection and can be clipped into the crown area of your own hair. There is also PRSI hair grants available for €500 per year available to many woman  More...
Thinning Hair Ireland
Thinning hair in women is becoming an increasingly common problem for woman in Ireland. While hair loss has always been associated with men, it is now more frequently seen now in women. Thinning hair can come on gradually and can change a woman's appearance and can lead to a lack of self-confidence and anxiety. Therefore, it is important to know the reasons for this hair loss and how to prevent it.


Causes of Thinning Hair in Women include: 

1. Hormonal Imbalance
Hormonal imbalance is one of the primary causes of hair loss in women. It can occur due to the use of birth control pills, menopause or pregnancy. Hormonal changes cause hair growth to slow down and can result in thinning hair or even bald patches. 

2. Nutrient Deficiency
A lack of essential vitamins and minerals can lead to hair loss in women. Iron, biotin, and zinc are particularly important for hair growth. Deficiencies in these can lead to hair fall and thinning.

3. Stress
Stress can trigger a range of health problems, and one of them is hair loss. Stress can have a significant impact on hormone levels and can increase cortisol, leading to hair loss.

4. Genetics
Genetic factors can be the reason for thinning hair as well. Women with a family history of hair loss are more likely to experience hair thinning.

5. Over-Styling
Over-styling, especially with heat, can cause hair damage and breakdown... Read more


At Hairspray we see many customers that visit  our wigs showroom in Dublin with different types of alopecia. Generally woman that have this specific hair loss condition prefer human hair wigs over synthetic. The reason being is real hair wigs generally last longer than synthetic and are easier to style. Therefore, if you have alopecia and are looking for the right wig or hair piece, keep in mind you will  be wearing your wig most days. So choosing the right wig at your consultation is important.  There are a number of grants available from both the PRSI and HSE wigs scheme. More

Alopecia Ireland

Alopecia Areata
Although the precise reason of alopecia areata is not yet known, an autoimmune condition is thought to be the main reason. The immune system of the body incorrectly targets its own cells and tissues, including the hair follicles, in autoimmune illnesses, which causes hair loss. Given that alopecia areata tends to run in families, it is believed that hereditary factors may contribute to the development of the condition. Stress, viral infections, and environmental factors may also contribute to the development of alopecia areata, while more research is needed to completely understand the underlying causes of this disorder.

Alopecia Areata signs and symptoms:
Hair loss in small, rounded patches is Alopecia Areata's most obvious sign. Normally smooth, these patches can occasionally be a little red or irritated. It may also feel sensitive or itchy where the scalp or other parts of the body are affected. The nails may occasionally also be impacted, developing pitting (small dents) or white patches. Woman with Alopecia Areata may only experience a few minor... Read more

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